Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Every Rom Com brings you some tainted love, in the form of “Heathers”, our second installment in the Gen-X Rom Com series. We’ll talk about the movie’s biting satire around difficult issues including teenage suicide, homophobia, and school violence. We’ll discuss the memorable dialogue and fashion that influenced future teen movies from “Mean Girls” to “Clueless.” And we’ll discuss a talented cast and crew, including two of Gen-X’s most recognizable icons - Winona Ryder and Christian Slater.
0:00-11:18 Introduction, Updates on Monadnock Underground, Gen-X Heartthrobs
To read or submit to Monadnock Underground, go here: https://www.monadnockunderground.com/
11:18-26:48 TRAILER, Basic Info, Interesting Facts, General Opinion
A very good article on “Heathers”: https://ew.com/article/2014/04/04/heathers-oral-history/
Additional info from this section came from the DVD commentary
26:48-37:48 Cast & Crew In-Depth
37:48-53:23 “Heathers” as a Gen-X Film, “Heathers” as a Rom Com, Opening Scenes, The Name “Heather”, “Dear Diary…”
The Name “Heather”: https://qz.com/1390135/the-epic-rise-and-fall-of-the-name-heather/
53:23-1:09:31 The Cafeteria Scene, The Lunchtime Poll Question, Intro to JD
1:09:31-1:24:14 Croquet with the Heathers, Veronica’s Parents, Convenience Store Scene, Fashion in “Heathers”, The Remington Party, JD Comes Over
1:24:14-1:46:14 Heather’s Death, Reactions to Heather’s “Suicide”, JD’S Dad, Heather’s Funeral, Teen Suicide in the 80’s
Teen suicide rates over time: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6630a6.htm
Contemporary article on teen suicide: https://www.nytimes.com/1984/10/11/arts/3-tv-films-on-suicide-by-youths.html
“Surviving” with Molly Ringwald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcjncK2OaaE
1:46:14-2:05:19 Is Cow-Tipping a Thing?, Targeting Kurt and Ram
Evidence against cow-tipping: https://slate.com/technology/2013/09/cow-tipping-fake-debunking-a-persistent-rural-legend.html
2:05:19-2:26:14 Veronica and JD Break Up, A New Heather Emerges, JD’s Plan, Final Scenes
2:26:14-2:38:18 The Alternate Endings, “Heathers” and School Violence, Could “Heathers” Inspire Real Life Violence?, Favorite/Most Relatable Characters, Favorite Scenes
School shootings in the U.S.: https://www.k12academics.com/school-shootings/history-school-shootings-united-states
“Heathers” and School Violence: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20180803-is-heathers-too-shocking-for-2018
2:38:18-2:45:45 Double Feature Recommendations
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